Interview with Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA Networks.
This professor of the Carlos III University of Madrid is the head of IMDEA Networks, an international research institute that focuses its activity on developing fundamental scientific and technological advances in communications networks. In this interview, Arturo Azcorra reveals the importance of quantum theory in the future of the Internet.

16 Jul 2009
Quantum theory explores the world of the very small and the very unexpected. Since its inception early last century, the study of the discontinuous (quantum) behavior of atoms and molecules has put to the test the capacity for comprehension of the human mind.

07 Jul 2009
As the Internet more and more becomes a business critical resource, it is expected that increasing numbers of Internet users will require two or more independent connections to the Internet, a practice called "multihoming". Multihomed Internet users can continue to operate when one of their connections to the Internet fails, or even when their entire Internet service provider (ISP) becomes disconnected from the network. Traditional multihoming techniques require extra work from the large routers in the core of the Internet, and can only be used by a limited number of organizations. This technical handicap limits business expansion via the Internet as well as offering insufficient guarantees for its reliability. The need to create ever-powerful routers also involves a large degree of extra cost for the vendors and service providers.

26 May 2009
The application of quantum technologies to communications networks promises revolutionary changes to the secure, high–speed transmission of information across wired and wireless networks.

22 May 2009
Responses to questions on VR and Haptics.

07 May 2009
The senses of smell and touch have also arrived in virtual reality. New devices are being produced for that very purpose, and Dr. Nicolas Georganas has announced some of them, in San Sebastian.

07 May 2009
The expert in virtual reality ended his tour of research centres at Ikerlan
He filled the conference room of the Faculty of Information Technology and toured the technological centres of Gipuzkoa such as CEIT, Vicontech and Ikerlan with great satisfaction. “Some very important work is being done in the Basque Country”, he said. The engineer Nicolas D. Georganas, lecturer and researcher of the University of Ottawa, asserts that advances in virtual reality will bring together many specialities.

28 Apr 2009
Dr. Marcelo Bagnulo Braun, Associate Professor at the Telematics Department of University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), a member of NETCOM Research Group and an active collaborator with IMDEA Networks on its research on The Future Wireless Internet, has been appointed as a member of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) - a body of 13 experts who play a major role in the process of definition of Internet Protocols, and as a result, on the worldwide evolution of the Internet. The IAB is a committee of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that oversees the technical and engineering development of the Internet by the Internet Society (ISOC). The UC3M has the honor of being the first Spanish Institution to count amongst its academics an incoming member of the IAB.

24 Apr 2009
IMDEA, with a budget of €20 million this year and 100 researchers throughout the world, aims to make Madrid a leading science, technology and research centre.

12 Apr 2009
Marcelo Bagnulo Braun, senior lecturer and researcher of the NETCOM Research Group of Madrid’s Carlos III University (UC3M) Telematics Department, has been appointed as director of the Telefónica-UC3M Chair of Future Internet for Productivity, replacing the recently appointed Director General of Technology Transferral and Business Development of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Professor Arturo Azcorra.